Latest Artwork - "I am no Jedi"
Yeah, I know, she's not Ahsoka Tano but she's got a similar look (not to mention the light saber) so that's the title. :) Latest 3D render. Full sized this took 3 days to render and I would have given it a couple more if I weren't worried about PG&E shutting the power off again. Typical for my state to try to force you into electric cars while they randomly shut your power off because "the grid can't handle it". Einstein's, the lot of them. Anyway, I wasn't planning to have so much color in this one but I think it worked out. I have an idea for another image using this character but it'll probably have to wait until it cools down or we get the air conditioner fixed. It's so hot upstairs where my office is that I have two fans pointed at my tower.
"I am no Jedi." ~ Ahsoka Tano