I damned near took my ass to the ER last night. Luckily it wasn't appendicitis but I have a feeling I know what the diagnosis will be. It's treatable but just adds to my autoimmune issues. I'm just glad I was able to take the day off since working would have been damned near impossible. Am currently ensconced in my bedroom sitting area with my computer with a render going, my crochet and HGTV on as I zone out on Tramadol. I was going to work on a crochet pattern, I rarely have the time to do that but the tramadol isn't going to allow that type of concentration. I'll stick to trying to find some scifi inspiration. :)
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"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see." ~ Edgar Degas
Don't mind me I'm just talking to myself...
~Digital Art, Crochet, Photography, Life....
“Writing is like talking to yourself, just in a way that makes it look like you're not crazy!”
~Mary Kate
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